It's Time For Better Business Resiliency

⁜ Fun, Engaging, Resilient

Why We Do What We Do

Getting your people into the room to talk meaningfully about your business resilience is a constant struggle. It becomes yet another meeting in a sea of meetings, discussions about how the business can fail are met with apathy, and the end result has you no closer to finding the gaps that can impact your revenue generation.

We identified this problem while teaching during a 4-6 PM time slot on a Friday evening, where the topics covered were the business equivalent of abstract math and paperwork.

A student request for some incident response validation lessons, coupled with our preference for gaming and performance art, gave us the idea we needed to help businesses everywhere with the same problem.

How We Do It

Human Focused

People are your greatest natural sustainable resource. Ours too! All of our delivery puts humans in the center of business where they belong.


We design video games that make your business better, but our in-house tooling helps us deliver these reliably and in a way that keeps our work fun.


We're on the side of your business. You will always get the full unvarnished truth of what needs to be done, but we give it to you in a way you can manage.


Our pursuit of reliable quality means we can focus on delivering excellent outcomes with all of our offerings.


We love to collaborate with people who have neat ideas or are looking for something specific. We engineer all of our products for customization and collaboration as key design principles.


Our fully customized and tailored delivery means we can adapt our services to the desired outcomes of your business.